You have one or more children with atypical development (suspicion or diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder -ASD, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing difficulties, twice exceptional - 2E) in your group? Their inclusion represents major challenges to your educators? They feel overwhelmed and discouraged because traditional methods don't seem to work with these children?
I have the pleasure to offer you a series of four practical workshops, specifically designed to respond to your needs.
The inclusion of a child with atypical development makes us worried because we are afraid of not being able to meet everyone's needs. This workshop offers you practical solutions and ready to use techniques to facilitate daily group management. We will review the most up to date best practices that promote participation within the group, and how to collaborate with parents.
We will learn how to adapt activities, facilitate transitions, and resolve conflicts amongst children. This workshop will offer you the essential knowledge necessary to ensure successful inclusion and to make sure that you feel competent and at ease in your role as an educator. And even more, to give you the incentive and the joy of welcoming atypical children in your group.
Learning Objectives:
Find out about the prerequisite of successful inclusion
Setting up a supportive environment
Familiarize with best practices that promotes group management
Learn concrete strategies that facilitate transitions
Become best friends with visual tools
Get creative about adapting activities
find out what are the five golden rules when talking to parents
Clarify roles and responsibilities
Learn about emotional regulation tools
Shift from "overwhelm and frustration" to "enjoy your diverse group"
Who should attend this workshop?
Daycare/CPE educators
Kindergarten and pre-K teachers
Educational counsellors
Any other personnel in contact with atypical kids

ANIKO BURJAN, M. Ed., possède une maîtrise en psychoéducation et une expérience professionnelle de plus de vingt années, avec des enfants ayant un développement atypique, à travers différents milieux éducatifs et cliniques. Elle dispense également depuis plus de quinze ans des formations aux éducateurs et intervenants à travers le Québec et à l’international. Elle est membre de l’ordre des psychoéducateurs du Québec.
Dates: two options are available:
Tuesday evenings: Nov. 10, 17, 24, 7 Dec. 1st, from 18:00 to 21:00
Wednesday Afternoons: Nov. 11, 18, 25 & Dec. 2nd 13:00-16:00
Cost of the Workshop:
Early registration before September 30th 297$ plus tax
Regular ticket 347$ plus tax
Please follow the link below. You will be redirected to a Weezevent page and asked to fill out the registration form before proceeding to payment. The following payment methods are accepted:
Online - follow the steps indicated on Weezevent
"Aniko is a dynamic, creative, and highly engaging presenter. She used tons of examples that we could relate to. This workshop is a must."
- Dana, daycare educator
"I loved the clarity and simplicity of the content. Aniko brings credibility and experience. She has a very realistic view about our situation. Highly recommend it!"
- CPE Concordia
"Thanks you for these two amazing workshops. I feel more prepared to integrate special needs kids to my group. Loved your passion."
- Nathalie, CPE educator